Cfa Do You Need to Know All the Differnces Between Ifrs and Gaap

Differences between IFRS and US GAAP

The world allows two major frameworks for accounting in the whole world today. The General Accepted Accounting Principles and the International Financial Reporting Standards are the two major frameworks. The two frameworks have been constituted to create a harmony for bookkeeping procedures globally. The GAAP methodology is the primary accounting framework used in the US while the IFRS is the bookkeeping framework that is majorly accepted internationally. The two frameworks have been tailored to allow the provision of fair accounting grounds to the users. Notwithstanding, there are major differences that tin can be seen from the two frameworks. Discussed herein is a list of key differences that define the two bookkeeping frameworks.

Definition of Terms

International Fiscal Reporting Standards (IFRS), is a ready of standards for bookkeeping that are developed by an independent nonprofit arrangement known as the International Accounting Standards Lath whereas the Generally Accustomed Accounting Principles (GAAP), are a set of principles, criteria, and processes in accounting that should be followed past a company in the process of compiling their financial statements.

IFRS serves to provide a worldwide framework that shows how companies should prepare and disclose their financial statements. The IFRS guides the procedure of preparing the financial statements but does not dictate how the reporting should be specifically done. GAAP combines authoritative principles set past policy boards, and acceptable ways of recording and reporting monetary data.

The reason IFRS exists is to try and harmonize the standards with a view to simplifying the whole procedure of accounting. The guidelines given by the IFRS enables a company to use one style of reporting all through the accounts reporting (1). The unmarried standards also enable investors and auditors to accept a more straight view of finances without the small differences caused by different reporting styles.

The chief function of the GAAP is to ensure the least amount of inconsistency in the financial reports of a company to enable easy analysis and evaluation of information by investors. GAAP is also of import in facilitating the comparison of financial data among different business concern entities.

Primal Notable Differences between U.s. GAAP and IFRS

Principle and Rule

The single and virtually notable difference betwixt GAAP and IFRS is that GAAP is based on rules while IFRS is based on principles. This departure tin can attribute to a major potential in different interpretations of similar transactions. This can cause a major and extensive disclosure in financial statements.

Consolidation Models

The consolidation models for the IFRS entails the focus on control, without considering the form of the entity that has invested. An investor tin control the business when they have the right to variable returns from the business organisation and are capable of influencing the returns due to their ability over the business organisation investee (2). Command, in this case, means that the investor has: power over the investee, rights to variable returns with the investee, and the ability to practise their control over the investee to bear on the returns going to them.

On the other paw, at that place are two models for consolidation in the U.s. the kickoff model, entities are exposed to the influence of variable involvement entity (VIE). If the VIE model cannot be applied, then the entities are subjected to the voting interest model (VIM). The VIE model allows a reporting entity to have control of the financial interests in a VIE (two). Under the VIM, interest in decision-making the financial processes of the reporting entity is real if the reporting entity has an interest in another entity.

Income Statement

IFRS does non allow for the segregation of items while GAAP shows the items right beneath the net income.

Both the IFRS and the The states GAAP necessitates a prominent presentation of an income statement equally a primary argument. Both systems present the financial statement in unlike formats.

The IFRS has no format that is prescribed when preparing an income statement. The entity should find the method which shall be used in presenting the expenses, either by function or nature (3). By nature, additional disclosure of expenses is required if a functional presentation is used. The IFRS requires that an income statement must include:

  • Method
  • Loss or proceeds after taxing attributed to the results and the recalibration of the discontinued operations.
  • Finance costs
  • Expenses of tax
  • Periodical loss or profit
  • Shared results, for associates and articulation ventures which used the equity, after tax.

On the other mitt, the United states of america GAAP presents their income statements in ii means.

  1. Single step format.

This format factors in all expenses and classifies them by function. The expenses, in this case, are deducted from the total income to outline the income earlier tax.

  1. Multiple – step format.

This is where the expense of sales is deducted from the sales to show the gross profit. Other income and expenses are also outlined in order to give the income before tax. Regulations of the SEC require that the registrants should categorize their expenses past function.

Asset Valuation

Nugget valuation differences are attributed to the difference in the indicators of impairment, the unit of measurement of accounting assets, the measurement of harm, and the eventual recovery of assets that were impaired. The IFRS does not allow the use of LIFO methodology of costing while the US GAAP allows the use of LIFO costing methodology (4). The implication herein is that a company which adopts the IFRS and uses the LIFO method nether US GAAP will be forced to switch to a methodology that enables allowable costing.

Recognition of Acquirement

In recognition of revenues, there may exist primal differences in the way business entities operate. In that location could exist unlike means that the entities handle their products and services in the marketplace.

The IFRS puts into play two standards that primarily capture transactions of revenue in either of four major categories.

  • Selling of bolt and goods
  • Provision of services
  • Contracts in construction
  • Use of the entity's avails by others

The criteria that are used accept into consideration that there is a considerable run a risk of reliably measuring how the benefits associated with the transaction will trickle to the entity.

On the other paw, there is an extensive guide for recognizing revenue in GAAP framework. The guidance employs a lot of literature that is provided by setters of standards (4). The guidance by and large provides that revenue can either be realized or earned.


Different methods are used to evaluate the accounting handling. GAAP focuses more on the kind of literature that is used while the IFRS is keener on the design used to review the facts.

IFRS provides a platform for the pursuit of a atypical model of financial reporting while the US GAAP allows a loftier risk and reward model.

Inventory Valuation

IFRS allows LIFO to be used while GAAP allows the flexibility of either choosing LIFO or FIFO

Per Share Earnings. In the IFRS consideration, individual interim period calculations are non averaged in the earning- per- share calculation (4). The consideration given is that IFRS tin only permit the calculation of earnings per share from continuing operations and net income. The entity should, therefore, make employ of the same method of recording inventory and in that location is no apply of whatever discretion in picking out whatever applicable method.

On the other hand, GAAP allows the period incremental shares to be averaged in the computation. This means that GAAP will allow the earnings per share to be calculated for operations that are continual, discontinued operations, and net income. For the US GAAP, afterwards the inventory is sold, in that location is the assart of either using the LIFO or FIFO method. The flexibility allows the entity to utilise their judgment to choose the method which best applies to their inventories.


The IFRS and The states GAAP frameworks both have their ain advantages and disadvantages. While the two entities help to assess the bookkeeping earth on various capacities, notable differences evidence every bit strengths and weaknesses of the systems. The convergence of the two frameworks could raise the process and results of accounting.

Summary of cardinal differences between IFRS and Usa GAAP

ane.       Asset Valuation Avails can be re-evaluated up when an active marketplace is real for what is abstract. It likewise allows the PP and E to be revalued to a more than fair value. Assets can only exist written downwards but cannot be written upwardly. The PP and E use history toll for valuation.
two.       Principle and rule IFRS provides principles that should be followed by the best judgment of the entity. GAAP specifies the practices involved as rules to prevent opportunistic measures by entities on maximizing profits.
3.       Inventory Valuation Only permits LIFO or the boilerplate weighted cost and LIFO is non permitted (4).

Inventory is carried at the lower price or the market.

Permits both LIFO and FIFO, weighted average toll. Inventory is carried at the lower cost or net value that is realizable.
iv.       Revenue recognition There are no articulate specifications about how revenue should be measured or timed (iv). Conditional guidance is very specific on what revenue is and how it should be measured.
5.       Evolution costs Certain costs can be taken advantage of and repaid over multiple periods. Tin can exist charged to expenses as they have been sustained
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